LILA's Poetry Fair

Published on by Paw Print

Last Friday, April 30th, LILA (Lycee International de Los Angeles) held its poetry fair. This fair consisted of multiple projects, from grades 6th through 8th. The projects were all on the different styles of poetry, which are: Elegies, Sonnets, Odes, Lyric poems, Free Verse, and Ballads. Each group also had a special game, that entailed using the information given about the certain style of poetry.


This event was organized by Edward  Kelliher, and the administration of LILA. This was a very successful event, leaving everyone feeling more enriched in their interest of poetry. The event was complimented by the school band, who played a variety of songs during the event. LILA also had an Australian poet, Luke Davies, who talked to all the LILA students about his own writing.

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